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My book, Getting Things Off My Chest: A Survivor’s Guide To Staying Fearless & Fabulous in the Face of Breast Cancer, includes an extensive list of patient resources covering oncology, nutrition, fitness, beauty, coping and creative inspiration. Below is an abbreviated list. Many products have hyperlinks to purchase on Amazon (I am an Amazon Associate) and I provide social media links to encourage you to follow and connect.
I am always looking to add resources for this list and only ask that you keep it focused to breast cancer or related services. If you have a suggestion please email [email protected]
General Information for Patients, Survivors, Caregivers and Health Professionals
American Cancer Society (ACR) www.cancer.org (800) ACS-2345 (227-2345) Twitter AmericanCancer
The American Cancer Society is a nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. Some helpful links within this website (among many)
Americans with Disabilities Act www.cancer.org/treatment/findingandpayingfortreatment/understandingfinancialandlegalmatters/americans-with-disabilities-ac
Side Effects www.cancer.org/treatment/treatmentsandsideeffects/physicalsideeffects/index
American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) www.aicr.org (800) 843-8114, Twitter @aicrtweets The first organization to focus research on the link between diet and cancer and to translate the results into practical information for the public. The AICR funds cutting-edge research to give people practical tools and information to help them prevent- and survive- cancer.
National Cancer Institute (NCI) www.cancer.gov (800) 4-CANCER (422-6237), Twitter @theNCI The National Cancer Institute is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), one of eleven agencies within the federal government’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The NCI coordinates the National Cancer Program, which conducts and supports research, training, health information dissemination and other programs with respect to the cause, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of cancer, rehabilitation from cancer and the continuing care of cancer patients and the families of cancer patients.Among the many helpful links:
Finding a doctor: www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Therapy/doctor-facility
Coping and Emotional Care www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/coping#Emotional+Concerns
Breast Cancer Education Information, Research and Resources
The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) www.bcrfcure.org (866)-FIND-A-CURE (346-3228) Twitter @BCRFcure BCRF’s mission is to achieve prevention and a cure for breast cancer by funding innovative clinical and translational research at leading medical centers around the world and by raising public awareness of breast health
Breastcancer.org www.breastcancer.org Twitter @Breastcancer.org Provides complete and up-to-date information about breast cancer to help patients and loved ones make informed decisions.
Susan G. Komen® For the Cure http://www.komen.org (877) GO-KOMEN (465-6636) Twitter @KomenfortheCure Susan G. Komen® for the Cure has raised more than $2 billion to support grants to fund research, advocacy and patient support programs in more than 50 countries. The Komen Race for the Cure Series® is one of the largest and most grassroots successful run/walk programs attracting more than 1.6 million participants in more than 150 locations around the world including 120 chapters in the U.S.
Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation www.dslrf.org (866) 569-0388 Twitter @actwlove The Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation’s Army of Women program, supported by a grant from the Avon Foundation for Women, enables women with or without breast cancer the opportunity to voluntarily participate in research studies to help eradicate the disease. www.armyofwomen.org Twitter @ArmyofWomen
Counseling, Assistance, Education and Resources
CancerCare® www.cancercare.org (800) 813- HOPE (813-4673) Twitter @CancerCare CancerCare® is a national nonprofit organization serving all fifty states dedicated to helping people cope and manage the emotional and practical challenges of a cancer diagnosis. CancerCare provides free professional counseling and educational programs, practical help and financial assistance.
Cancer Support Community www.cancersupportcommunity.org (888) 793-9355 Twitter @CancerSupportCm An international nonprofit network dedicated to providing support, education and hope to people affected by cancer. Find local counseling or support group and workshops; create your own webpage; download a free booklet, “Frankly Speaking About Cancer.”
Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC) www.lbbc.org (888) 753-(LBBC) 753-5222 Twitter @LivingBeyondBC Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC) provides support, education and resources to women with cancer to empower them to have the best quality of life. LBBC offers several workshops, forums, an annual conference and free publications covering a range of topics. LBBC works in collaboration with the Young Survivors Coalition (YSC) www.c4yw.org
Caring.com is a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses and other loved ones. Link to resources.
Peer Support and Communities
SHARE (Self-Help for Women with Breast or Ovarian Cancer) www.sharecancersupport.org Helpline: (866)891-2392 Twitter @SHAREing SHARE’s mission is to create and sustain a supportive network and community of women affected by breast or ovarian cancer. SHARE provides free telephone support, support groups, webinars and educational workshops in English and ten other languages for women and men of all ages and ethnicities. Based in New York City, SHARE is comprised of survivors who can help you face the emotional and practical issues of cancer. All services are offered in English and Spanish.
Breast Friends www.breastfriends.com (888) 386-8048 Twitter @BreastFriends Breast Friends is dedicated to improving the quality of life for female cancer patients through support, a volunteer mentor-patient connection, programs, workshops and resources.
Imerman Angels www.imermanangels.org (877) 274-5529 Twitter @ImermanAngels Imerman Angels carefully matches a person touched by cancer with someone who has fought and survived the same time of cancer (A Mentor Angel). The service is free and available to anyone touched by any type of cancer, at any cancer stage level, at any age, living anywhere in the world.
Young Survival Coalition (YSC) www.youngsurvival.org (877) 972-1011 Twitter @YSCBUZZ YSC is a national not-for-profit network that offers resources, workshops connections, and outreach to provide hope, encouragement and empowerment to young women diagnosed with breast cancer. YSC hosts an annual C4YW national conference in collaboration with Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC) exclusively dedicated to the unique needs of young women affected by breast cancer.
Sisters Network© Inc. www.sistersnetworkinc.org 866.781.1808 Twitter @sistersnetwork Sisters Network® Inc. is committed to increasing local and national attention to the devastating impact that breast cancer has in the African American community. Programs include advocacy, education and financial assistance.
Sharsheret® www.sharsheret.org (866) 474-2774 Twitter @Sharsheret Sharsheret® links young Jewish women fighting breast cancer including managing cosmetic side effects through its Best Face Forward initiative.
National LGBT Cancer Network www.cancer-network.org (212) 675-2633 Twitter @cancerLGBT The National LGBT Network is dedicated to improving the lives of LGBT people with cancer and those at risk.
Pregnant with Cancer Network (PWCN) www.pregnantwithcancer.org (800) 743-4471 Twitter @HopeForTwoPWCN Offers free support for women diagnosed with cancer while pregnant. PWCN connects women who are currently pregnant with cancer with other women who have experienced a similar cancer diagnosis.
Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APINCSN) www.apiahf.org Twitter @apiahf APINCSN is a network of cancer survivors, families, health care providers, reserchers and advocates to provide information and resources for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders.
Men Against Breast Cancer www.menagainstbreastcancer.org (866) 547-MABC (547-6222) Twitter @MABCcares MABC provides support services that educate and empower men to be effective caregivers when cancer strikes.
Online Cancer Support Communities (among many)
I Had Cancer www.IHadCancer.com Twitter @IHadCancer Started by breast cancer survivor Mailet Lopez, I Had Cancer is an online community of cancer fighters, survivors and caregivers who can connect and share their stories.
My BC Team www.mybcteam.com Twitter @MYBCTeam My BC Team is a social network for women with breast cancer to connect, share stories and exchange insights.
Pink-Link www.pink-link.org Founded by breast cancer survivor Victoria Tashman in 2005, Pink-Link is a free online breast cancer support network that provides an intimate link between mentor and patient through its extensive database. The website also has an online store featuring post mastectomy and chemotherapy apparel, helpful resources and online tributes and many other online organizations, news and resources.
The Women’s Survivors Alliance www.womensurvivorsalliance.org @survivorville Started by cancer survivors Karen Shayne and Judy Pearson, this organization has become a movement for all women impacted by cancer which culminates in an annual conference in Nashville. The organizations published a helpful digital magazine called The Plum www.theplum.org
Financial Assistance and Resources
CancerCare (see above)
Corporate Angel Network www.corpangelnetwork.org (866) 328-1313 Corporate Angel Network’s sole mission is to help cancer patients access the best possible treatment for their specific type of cancer by arranging free travel to treatment across the country using empty seats on corporate jets.
My Hope Chest www.MyHopeChest.org (727) 488-0320 Twitter @MyHopeChest Created by Las Vegas performer and breast cancer survivor Alisa Savoretti (“The Lop-Sided Showgirl”) is a national breast reconstruction organization working to help uninsured and other insured women heal completely. The organization provides financial assistance for women who cannot afford reconstruction.
The Pink Fund www.thepinkfund.org (877) 234-PINK (7465) @ThePinkFund Established by breast cancer survivor Molly MacDonald, the mission of The Pink Fund is to provide short-term financial aid to breast cancer patients in active treatment.
Patient Advocacy: Health Insurance Information
www.HealthCare.gov Twitter @HealthCareGov Website of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services addressing health insurance topics, health care law, prevention, wellness and comparing providers.
Patient Advocacy Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF) www.patientadvocate.org (800) 532-5274 Patient Advocate Foundation’s Patient Services provides patients with arbitration, mediation and negotiation to settle issues with access to care, medical debt, and job retention related to their illness.
Patient Advocate Foundation Co-Pay Relief Program www.copays.org 866-512-3861, Provides direct financial assistance to qualified patients, assisting them with prescription drug co-payments their insurance requires. CPR call counselors work directly with the patient as well as with the provider of care to obtain necessary medical, insurance and income information to advance the application in an expeditious manner.
NeedyMeds www.needymeds.org Helpline: (800) 503-6897 @NeedyMeds A resource clearinghouse to help people in need find assistance programs to help them afford their medications and costs related to health care.
Workplace Resources
Cancer and Careers www.cancerandcareers.org @CancerAndCareer Empowers and educates people with cancer to thrive in their work place by providing expert advice, interactive tools and educational workshops. Helpful free booklets: Living and Working with Cancer and The Most Important Resources for Working Women with Cancer.
Naturopathic Oncology
Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO www.drlise.net Twitter @fivetothrive Naturopathic oncologist and co-author of The Definitive Guide to Cancer: An Integrative Approach to Prevention, Treatment and Healing (Innovision Health Media and Celestial Arts © 2010) and Five To Thrive: Your Cutting-Edge Cancer Prevention Plan (Active Interest Media © 2011) www.FiveToThrive.com
Two sources for locating naturopathic oncologists:
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians www.naturopathic.org @AANP
Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians www.oncanp.org @OncANP
Movement and Fitness Programs for Breast Cancer Survivors
Moving For Life™ www.MovingForLife.org 212.414.2921 [email protected] @movingforlife_1 Dr. Matha Eddy, CMA, RSMT, a Certified Movement Analyst and a Registered Somatic Movement Therapist, founded this not-profit organization that provides aerobic exercise incorporating specific movements designed by Dr. Eddy to help with different physical and emotional side effects from cancer treatment. The organization has certified instructors around the country and a “Dance For Recovery” DVD.
New England Physical Care (Norwalk, CT) www.nephysical.com (203) 838-9822 Dr. Brian Nathanson, DC., specializes in working with women who have undergone mastectomies and reconstruction to help regain strength and mobility and alleviate post-surgery discomfort
Lymphedema Resources
Lymphedema (NLN) The National Lymphedema Network (NLN) www.lymphnet.org (415) 908-3681 Provides education and guidance to lymphedema patients, health care professionals and the general public by disseminating information on management of primary/secondary lymphedema and related disorders, and education in risk reduction practices.
Lymphedivas www.lymphedivas.com (866)-411-DIVA (411-3482) Twitter @lympheDIVAS Offers a collection of medically correct fashion for women with lymphedema, as well as helpful education and resources on the subject.
Nutrition Resources and Management
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics www.eatright.org (800) 877-1600 Twitter: @eatright The world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. The Academy is committed to improving the nation’s health and advancing the profession of dietetics through research, education and advocacy.
CancerNet (National Cancer Institute) www.cancernet.nci.nih.gov Provides nutritional information for people with cancer and healthcare professionals. Includes effects of cancer therapies, assessment and management.
USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion www.cnpp.usda.gov (888) 779-7264 Twitter @myplate Provides information on nutrition policies and guidelines for professional and consumer use and printable materials such as the food guide pyramid and dietary guidelines. www.choosemyplate.gov
Savor Health www.savorhealth.com (888) 721-1041 Twitter @savorhealth. Savor Health provides national home delivery of fresh, nutritious and delicious meals that are customized to meet patient’s specific nutritional needs and to help manage their side effects. A team of oncology dietitians and nurses provides telephone nutritional counseling enabling patients to speak with a dietitian from the comfort of their own home. Delivery is offered in the continental U.S.
Meals to Heal Cookbook provides nutrition tips and recipes for cancer patients and their caregivers. The book carefully explains managing a patient’s diet while coping with side effects. www.savorhealth.com
Cook for your Life Cookbook is published by non-profit Cook for Your Life whose mission to teach healthy cooking to people touched by cancer. Twitter@cookforyourlife
The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen: Nourishing, Big-Flavor Recipes for Cancer Treatment and Recovery by Rebecca Katz with Mat Edelson (Celestial Arts ©2009).
Kicking Cancer in the Kitchen Annette Ramke and Kendell Scott (Running Press/2012)
Beauty: Skin, Hair
Look Good Feel Better® (LBFB) www.lookgoodfeelbetter.org (800) 395 LOOK Twitter @LGFB A free nationwide program helping with appearance-related side effects from cancer treatment to help improve their self-image.
Lashes-of-Love www.lashes-of-love.org Twitter @Lashes_of_Love Lashes-of-Love provides replacement eyelashes, eyebrow restoration, skin care advice and facial treatment to cancer patients. Check website for services around the U.S.
Survivor Glam Squad www.survivorglamsquad.org This non-profit provides free professional makeovers and beauty tips for cancer survivors and thrivers with Glam events around the U.S.
Paula Young www.paulayoung.com @PaulaYoungWigs (800) 364-9060. An extensive and versatile selection of stylish quality wigs and hairpieces online and an informative blog.
Tender Loving Care (TLC) www.tlcdirect.org (800) 850-9445 Tender Loving Care is a non-profit website of the American Cancer Society is an online catalog of wigs, head coverings, mastectomy products and other apparel and accessories for the cancer patient.
The Wig Exchange www.thewigexchange.org (914) 412-4884 Twitter @thewigexchange Based in Westchester County, New York, The Wig Exchange is a non-profit organization that provides high quality recycled wigs and practical tips for managing cancer related hairs loss for women undergoing cancer treatment. According to Co Founder Sandy Samberg, The Wig Exchange is working on a manual to help similar grassroots initiatives get started around the U.S.A.
Fashion: Prostheses and Special Clothing
Amoena www.amoena.us (800) 926-6362 Twitter @AmoenaUSA Major manufacturer of breast prostheses and mastectomy bras. Offers a helpful store locator.
AnaOno Intimates www.AnaOno.com Twitter @AnaOnoIntimates. A lingerie line designed exclusively for women who have had breast cancer
BFFL Co Best Friends For Life www.bfflco.com (BFFL) (855) BFFL-BAG (233-5224) Twitter @bfflco Conceived by radiation oncologist Dr. Elizabeth Chabner Thompson, BFFL Co offers a fashionable and practical line of products for women undergoing mastectomy or radiation including comfortable bras specifically designed for post surgery and radiation, the axilla-pilla® and the Breast BFFLBag® filled with helpful gifts, among other products.
Underneath It All (New York City) www.underneathitallnyc.com (212) 779-2517 Run by breast cancer survivors, this elegant atelier on New York’s Fifth Avenue supplies a range of breast prostheses, bras, lingerie, head pieces, wigs and bathing suits dispensed with caring and experience advice from certified fitters.
CureDiva www.curediva.com (855) 345-2873 @CureDiva CureDiva is a “one-stop personalized lifestyle solutions online shop” for women facing breast cancer offering a range of products to keep women looking fabulous and feeling fearless.
Land’s End www.landsend.com (800) 963-4816 Twitter @LandsEnd Offers a line of mastectomy swimsuits.
Nordstrom http://shop.nordstrom.com/c/breast-prosthesis-program (888) 282-6060 Twitter @Nordstrom Offers an in-store prostheses program with certified fitters and a selection of prostheses, mastectomy bras and lingerie.
Coping and Coaching
The National Association of Professional Cancer Coaches (NAPCC) www.cancerwipeout.org (855) 560-8344 Twitter @cancerwipeout A source for finding professionally trained cancer coaches and cancer recovery workshops.
Sexy After Cancer™ www.sexyaftercancer.com Twitter @sexyaftercancer Sex educator-counselor and breast cancer survivor, Barbara Musser, provides counseling, workshops and retreats to help address and manage the emotional, spiritual and sexual affects of cancer. Book: Sexy After Cancer: Meeting Your Inner Aphrodite on the Breast Cancer Journey.
Organizers/Time Savers
Cancer Fairy Godmother www.cancerfairygodmother.com Helps you find local and national resources and support groups in your area.
Ready for Recovery Cancer Planners www.cancerplanners.com Twitter @CancerPlanners Created by breast cancer survivor Julie Grimm, Ready for Recovery offers cancer planners and organizers for patients and caregivers.
My Hope & Focus Organizer by www.rootsnwings.com A tool to simplify, track and support all aspects of your cancer experience
Caring Bridge www.caringbridge.org (651) 789-2300 (Customer Care) Twitter @CaringBridge A free online site where patients and caregivers can post and manage updates and news to their loved ones in a safe, personal space. The Caring Bridge SupportPlanner helps families and friends coordinate care and tasks.
The Patient/Partner Project www.thepatientpartnerproject.org The Patient/Partner Project is a free service that allows you to post private updates about your treatment and condition on this website, and then notifies everyone on your private list so that they can read them.
Lotsa Helping Hands www.lotsahelpinghands.com Twitter @LotsaHelping Lotsa Helping Hands is a free online community service that brings caregivers and volunteers together to provide helpful support during times of need.
Creative Inspiration
The Grace Project www.thegraceproject.net Charise Isis is a professional photographer who has created a series of portraits of women of all ages who have experienced mastectomies. The Grace Project celebrates beauty, courage, grace and positive self image. [email protected]
SKY and LIVI www.skyandlivi.com (800) 809-6882 Twitter @SKYandLIVI SKY and LIVI empowers women battling cancer by transforming their hair loss from chemotherapy treatment into their very own personal, lab-grown diamonds set in exclusive jewelry designs.
Fabulous Freebies for Breast Cancer Patients
Breast Cancer Freebies lists free or discounted products or services for women with breast cancer include free wigs, makeup, transportation, house cleaning and more. www.breastcancerfreebies.com Twitter@cancerfreebies
Happy Chemo is a central connecting point for tens of thousands of survivors and caregivers who are seeking high quality products and services related to cancer including many that are free or discounted. www.happychemo.com twitter@happychemo
Healthy Inspiration & Reading
PositiveHealthWellness.com is a site is for those of us who look for the information they need to live a more positive, healthier and happier life. Whether you’re seeking healthy eating options, belly fat problems, trying to stick to a diet, struggling with eating healthy when you go out or dealing with the stress and depression which comes with losing weight Positive Health Wellness is always there to help you out.