Think Twice Before Booking Elective Surgery

Think Twice Before Booking Elective Surgery

Many years ago I had elective surgery. While I was happy with the outcome, I had an unwelcome side effect: a pretty awful infection at the incision site that took weeks to clear up. I’m not alone. Many people have contracted nasty infections from surgical procedures. Serious infections can also result from everyday cuts and scrapes. When I was a very young girl I contracted blood poisoning after stepping on a pine needle walking  barefoot in the yard and had to be hospitalized. My symptoms were a red line creeping up my leg from my foot and pain. Hearing the news this past

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They Told Her It Was Postpartum Depression But It Wasn’t

They Told Her It Was Postpartum Depression But It Wasn't

At SHARE‘s annual fundraiser, A Second Helping of Life Sept 21, Valerie Smaldone congratulated me on my radio show, Fearless Fabulous You!. Coming from Valerie, I was honored. She’s hosted radio for years in the NYC area and is a respected media talent. Then she told me about a women named Wendy Baruchowitz who was diagnosed at the age of 39 with a disease I had never heard of and could barely pronounce: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). Valerie said Wendy’s mission is to raise awareness of this little known disorder. I was curious to learn more. How did a healthy mom with two young

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Fearless Fabulous You! Sept. 28: Could Your Kids Make You Sick?

Recently I was at a birthday dinner where a mother shared her experience with lice. Both her sons had contracted lice at their school. I’ve heard this story from other parents whose children contract lice-or fleas-and infected the rest of the family. It made me curious: How can you keep your kids safe from germs at school?  Also, how can you keep your self free from germs that your kids bring home from school? No one can live in a bubble. I’ve invited Columbia University Medical Center Pediatric Specialist Dr. Clare Bush to join me September 28th to discuss how to keep

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