Many years ago I had elective surgery. While I was happy with the outcome, I had an unwelcome side effect: a pretty awful infection at the incision site that took weeks to clear up. I’m not alone. Many people have contracted nasty infections from surgical procedures. Serious infections can also result from everyday cuts and scrapes. When I was a very young girl I contracted blood poisoning after stepping on a pine needle walking barefoot in the yard and had to be hospitalized. My symptoms were a red line creeping up my leg from my foot and pain. Hearing the news this past
Read more →September is National Prostate Awareness Month. Frankly, I would never have known if I did not write and report on health topics. Prostate cancer does not get the “noise” that breast cancer, or even ovarian cancer, receives. Yet, it is the most common cancer in men after skin cancer. According to statistics from the American Cancer Society, one in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer as compared to one in 8 women diagnosed with breast cancer. There are about 220,800 new cases of prostate cancer and 26,540 deaths from the disease. While prostate cancer is a serious disease,
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