What do you notice first about someone you meet? Their eyes? Their smile? Their hair?
According to a survey about first impressions with online dating participants conducted by Buzzfeed and Crest Whitestrips, over 23% of the 150,000 respondents said a person’s smile is the first thing they noticed. In fact several surveys (many naturally sponsored by companies who want to improve your teeth) report that bad teeth and breath are a #1 turnoff. Here’s one from the blog BeautyintheBag.com “Is your not quite so killer smile killing your love life?”
Healthy white teeth and a smile that illuminates your face are attributes we all aspire for and aim to keep for as long as possible. As we age, our teeth may become dull or stained, our gums softer and receding. As a wine and food professional who attends many tastings, maintaining healthy and attractive white teeth is important and challenging. Red wine can stain your teeth. So can coffee and tea. Acidic foods can weaken the enamel.
What’s a Fabulous Gal to do?
I’ve found many blogs that offer natural ways to clean and whiten your teeth. Like these 12 tips from TeethMagic. And I’ve tried a few at home remedies such as:
- munching on raw greens (especially parsley) and strawberries
- swishing and brushing with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide
- rubbing a banana peel over my teeth
- swilling coconut oil around in my mouth
- brushing my teeth with charcoal black toothpaste
- brushing my teeth with plain Greek yogurt and baking soda
- rinsing with Champagne or sparkling wine or beer at the end of professional wine tastings
- using Crest White Strips
- I’ve also tried professional whitening with laser and also had my mouth fitted for at home bleaching kits which is what my own dentist, Dr Thomas Magnani, recommended.
Interestingly, in my own informal survey of sommeliers and wine writers over the years asking them what toothpaste they use, the most frequent response was Arm & Hammer Toothpaste with baking soda and peroxide.

Many wine professionals tell me they use Arm & Hammer Baking Soda Toothpaste Others said used Crest White Strips. The best oral defense is to see your dentist on a regular basis to have a professional teeth cleaning.
There are many options for maintaining healthy teeth and gums and for shining up those pearly whites, including whitening toothpastes, at home whitening kits and cosmetic whitening treatments which are performed in a dentist’s office. But, you can also go too far with whitening your teeth. Your teeth and gums can become more sensitive.
In my May 16th edition of Fearless Fabulous You! New York Board Certified Cosmetic Dentist, Dr. Joshua Perlman, co-founder of NYC Smile Spa will discuss the best ways to maintain healthy teeth and gums and keep your pearly whites looking their best safely. We’ll discuss what you can at home, through your diet and by visiting your dentist regularly as well as products and procedures that work best. Tune in at 4pm,EST n W4WN live and listen any time on iHeart.com and the free iHeart App.

Inspiring women around the world. Read more at www.melanieyoung.com and please follow on Instagram/MelanieFabulous, Twitter@mightymelanie and Facebook/Fearless Fabulous Melanie