I finally took the plunge.
After reading about the benefits of juicing from wellness warriors like Kris Carr and Joe Cross, and to prep for my radio interview with Daily Greens Founder Shauna Martin, I decided to give it a try.
First I had to find the juicer. David had purchased a Breville when I was diagnosed with breast cancer six years ago thinking we (he) would juice my way to better health. I don’t recall ever using it.
I forgot we actually had a juicer and tried to liquefy fruits and vegetables in my KitchenAid blender. But there was too much debris floating around after I finished including bits of stems and leaves and something that tasted like plastic wrap that was probably from the bottle of coconut water I carelessly opened and added. I concluded that blenders are better for making smoothies and frozen daiquiris.
Once David reminded me that we owned a juicer and dug out the Breville from the back of the cabinet, I gave it a try. I started with my least favorite raw vegetables: celery, kale and carrots. I figured if they were liquefied I might enjoy them more. I added a mango for sweetening and lemon juice and ginger for flavor balance. Once I got on a juicing roll I tried fresh peaches. One kind of fruit is plenty for sweetening the tang of the vegetables.
OK, I get it! It was easier than expected and fun to try different flavor combinations. I loved the pure flavors and the energetic “high” from drinking fresh juice. Well, the “high” is a bit of an exaggeration. It was more like a feeling of knowing you learned something new and actually enjoy that involves being in the kitchen. Usually I only drink fresh juice when we’re on vacation, most often orange or grapefruit juice. Maybe the “high” was feeling (sort of) like being on vacation.
So, lesson learned. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. I know, I wrote several weeks back that “Liquid Diets Are Not My Cup of Tea.” And they’re not. I believe everyone should Just Chew It! But, if you are going liquid, go fresh; and if you don’t like your veggies raw or cooked, try drinking them. Mix it up a bit with fruits and flavors, and in the evening add a favorite spirit for a delicious cocktail. I’ll take a glass of fresh fruit and/or vegetable juice any day over a soda, and the price is right. These days purchasing cold pressed juices from carts or retailers can run $8 or $9 a bottle.
Now let’s see whether adding a daily fresh juice to our regular diet of vegetables, fruits and fish measures up to the claims of glowing skin, clearer eyesight, more energy, a more robust libido, managed weight and overall well-being. A balanced diet coupled with exercise and plenty of sleep will achieve the same goals. But, I have to admit. I like playing with my food!
Now, what do we do with all this pulp? Tip: We make savory pulp crackers. We take the pulp, pulse it in a food processor with tahini, a little hot sauce til smooth, We spread the mixture on a baking sheet, score it in squares and slow bake for 8 hours in a 250 oven until crisp. Sometimes we just shred the whole crispy mixture and use as a a salad topper.
Want to learn more about juicing? Read this post on juicing by Jen Miller, Jen’s Reviews.
And listen to my show with Shauna Martin, Founder, Daily Greens. I met Shauna at a Summer Fancy Food Show. A sister breast cancer survivor (as is her sister, Tamara), Shauna turned to juicing and a vegan diet for her health. I’m a fan of her line of cold pressed Daily Greens juices, hemp milks and the healthy recipes from her Daily Greens cookbook.

Shauna Martin, Founder, Daily Greens