I’m a list maker. I make “To Do” lists every day to manage my time. I rely on lists to stay organized when I plan professional events. In my first book, “Getting Things Off My Chest: A Survivor’s Guide To Staying Fearless & Fabulous in the Face of Breast Cancer,” I provide handy check lists to help newly diagnosed women channel their emotions and stay focused and less stressed.
But my favorite list of all is my “Bucket List” outlining all the things I want to do, places I want to visit and whatever I dream of accomplishing. I update my Bucket List at the start of the year which also happens to be my birthday (January 1). I take this list very seriously and am proud to say I have accomplished many of the items on it over the years. My Bucket List has actually become shorter as I’ve grown older. I still have dreams but I am also learning to embrace the world around me with more curiosity and pleasure.
So, imagine my delight receiving a copy of Gin Sander‘s “Big Bucket List Book:133 Experiences of a Lifetime” (Sourcebooks/2016). The “Big Bucket List Book” may make me rethink what’s on my list. There’s a big world out there, and I want to embrace it.
Besides, you just have to love a woman who says she is “hardly ever home” and doesn’t obsess over posting photos on social media. You have to love a woman who wrote lifestyle books with titles like “Love Stinks,” “The Martini Diet,” “Wear More Cashmere” and “Wear More Silk.” Yes, I’ll sip martinis – better yet, Champagne- wearing silk and cashmere with Gin. We’re soul sisters though we’ve never met. I’m the Tonic. She’s the Gin. Such fabulosity!
Gin Sanders and I “meet” Monday, January 18, 4pmEST on Fearless Fabulous You! to talk about “bucket lists.” You’ll want to meet her, too. Get your pen out; start writing your list; and join the conversation at www.W4WN.com. Podcasts will be available at iHeart.com and the free iHeart app. Join us and share your bucket list at www.melanieyoung.com or Facebook.com/fearlessfabulousmelanie.
So what’s top of my Bucket List these days?
- Buy a first- class round- the- world airplane ticket and “live” in a different place every 6 weeks, immersing in the local culture and community and donating time to help a local cause.
- Write a hit song, preferably country music since I’m from Tennessee. Have someone famous, or a break- through star, sing it.
- Write a bestselling novel and have it optioned for TV or movies.
- Live debt free, stress free, and unencumbered by competition or comparison.
- Learn to design my own jewelry, starting with re-purposing what I have.
- Learn the tango….in Buenos Aires
What’s on your Bucket List? Share it in the comments section or on Facebook/FearlessFabulousMelanie
Purchase your copy of “Big Bucket List” now and jump start your dream!

Inspiring Women around the World. Follow Melanie on Twitter@mightymelanie and Facebook/FearlessFabulousMelanie. Website and blog: www.melanieyoung.com