These two words sent shivers of dread down my spine: Fatal Error. My website content had been wiped out with no warning. Years of writing were missing. Was I hacked? Did I hit a wrong key? No one could figure it out at first. And, I did not have an adequate backup plan in place. I’d put saving money over safeguarding my site.

At one point we weren’t sure if we could recover everything. I started to spin the scenario in my head. “Maybe this is an opportunity to create something new. I’ll start over with a fresh approach,” I said to myself. Fortunately, my tech support team was able to restore the website, and all was not lost. In fact, I gained something in the process:


All is not lost if you believe you have something to gain. Even the worst case scenario can have a silver lining with the right perspective.

Always have a backup plan for a “what if” situation. It still may not work, but at least you gave it a go and may have fewer regrets.

Don’t skimp or skip out on safeguarding anything that is valuable to you or your loved ones. It’s better to spend more to protect your health and assets when everything is good rather than paying the price when things go bad.

Fearless people know a wipe out is not a take down. You can get back up and start again.

Sometimes a wipe out helps you clean your slate and enables you to create something new.
