According to the World Health Organization, glaucoma is a disease of the eye that affects 4.5 million people globally. It is the second most common cause of blindness in the world. Fifty percent of people in developed countries are unaware they even have glaucoma.
The National Eye Institute notes that Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the eye’s optic nerve and can result in vision loss and blindness. However, with early detection and treatment, you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss. The groups at highest risk are:
- African Americans over age 40
- Everyone over age 60, especially Mexican Americans
- People with a family history of glaucoma
Glaucoma stats courtesy of the World Health Organization. Infographic courtesy of Cigna,
I’m chatting eye care with with Dr. Lama Al-Aswad, an Ophthalmologist at Columbia University Medical Center in New York, who specializes in glaucoma. Doing my research for this show, I’ve learned that glaucoma is not necessarily an “old person’s” eye disease. Even infants and young adults can be at risk.
Wednesday, November 8, 12 noon, on Fearless Fabulous You!

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