I believe the most beautiful women are the ones who are brave. These are women who are confident in their bodies, cool under pressure and kind to others. They face fear calmly, deal with setbacks as deftly as they can, avoid the pity party and pay it forward. Brave girls focus on self actualization not self criticism. They may step out of their comfort zone but know when to lean in for help and when to lend a hand to offer help.
Brave girls respect others and treat them with kindness even when others are less kind to them. They put on a strong front even if it feels like the wind is being knocked out of them. Brave girls may try and fail at something but get right back up and start again, because giving up is not an option.
Brave girls don’t judge others or treat anyone as inferior. Brave girls respect people for their differences and build bridges not barriers to bring people together, Brave girls know that everyone faces challenges in their lives and some people handle it better than others.
Brave girls will defy odds but also understand and accept consequences. Sometimes it’s hard to be brave in a world where there is still sexism and hate and abuse of women. Brave girls stand up for what they believe in with confidence and speak out to help right a wrong. Brave girls are fearless.
All young girls want to be beautiful. Let’s teach them to be brave. Because brave is beautiful. #FearlessFabulousYou
