June is National Cancer Survivors Month. According to the American Cancer Society, there are nearly 14.5 million Americans with a history of cancer. As a breast cancer survivor I believe in healthy thriver-ship and sharing inspiring stories about fellow survivors. This month I will introduce you to a few survivors who will share their life lessons.
Monday June 6 on Fearless Fabulous You! Meet Loren Brill, founder of Sweet Loren’s. After beating cancer at a young age Loren became conscious of what she was putting into her body. Loren decided to cut out hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors, most dairy, and anything she couldn’t pronounce! And she focused on adding in to her diet more fresh greens and whole grains
Sugar is always a concern with cancer survivors; read my post, “The Bitter Side of Sugar here. But who wants to give up the foods you love altogether? Loren loved cookies, so she decided to make her own wholesome cookie using fresh ingredients and the best chocolate possible. With her little sister as taste tester Loren refined her secret recipe and launched Sweet Loren’s. Friends and family starting buying her cookies by the droves. Then major retailers came calling. Loren hit cookie bonanza!

Sweet Loren’s is all natural cookie dough. Just pop on a sheet pan a bake. Watch this video on how to make a perfect cookie,
For Loren, being cancer free, living in good health and becoming a successful cookie entrepreneur is a sweet dream come true!
Meet Loren Brill Monday, June 6, 4:25pmEST on Fearless Fabulous YOU! on W4WN.com. This show will be permanently podcast to iHeart.com and the free iheart App.

Inspiring women around the world.
Healthy and Delicious Recipe from Loren Brill:

Acai Smoothie Bowl
Loren says “Acai bowls are my absolute favorite breakfast! They’re beautiful, packed with nutrients, and keep you full and satisfied for hours. There are many ways to top these bowls, but this one has everything I dream of: acai base (with no added juice or sugar), mixed with protein, and then topped with fresh fruit, super seeds, nut butter, shredded coconut, and just a crumble of our oatmeal cranberry cookies for great added crunch. These bowls remind me of California, and that always brings a smile to my face.”
What you’ll need:
For the topping:
- 1 baked Sweet Loren’s Oatmeal Cranberry Cookie, crumbled
- 2 packs of frozen acai
- 1 whole banana, plus ½ a banana sliced
- 1/4 cup milk (whole, almond, etc.)
- 1 scoop of your favorite protein powder
- 1 handful of spinach
- 1 tablespoon nut butter of your choice (almond, peanut butter, cashew, etc.)
- 2 tablespoons shredded coconut
- Toppings you love like: goji berries, cashews, almonds, hemp seeds, chia seeds
- handful of raspberries
- In a blender, combine acai packets, banana, milk, spinach, nut butter, and protein powder. Blend until thick and creamy.
- Place acai smoothie mixture into a bowl. Decorate as you’d like with toppings that you love. We chose: oatmeal cranberry cookie crumbs, fresh raspberries, sliced bananas, shredded coconut, chia or hemps seeds. Serve immediately with a spoon to start the day off right.
From my kitchen to yours, enjoy!

How sweet it is! All natural cookie dough ready to bake.