Getting Things Off My Chest: Face Value

I recently watched a moving video where Academy Award winning actress Lupita Nyong’o discusses how as a young girl she prayed to God to lighten her skin. She said she was teased and taunted for her dark complexion and felt that by lightening her skin she would be perceived as beautiful  Tears welled up in her eyes as she shared her story of believing she was ugly:  “As a teenager my self hate grew worse….My complexion had always been an obstacle to overcome….I had begun to enjoy the seduction of inadequacy.” Video LInk Meanwhile, I keep receiving promotional ads

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Do You Need an Internet Intervention?

Americans aged 18 -64 are spending an average of 3.2 hours a day using social networks according to a recent study I find it unsettling that people are spending more time connected with each other online than in person. While I enjoy interacting with my friends on Facebook and have been reconnected with old acquaintances, I am starting to feel disconnected in other ways and have found myself exhibiting some unhealthy habits. Here are 10 signs you need may need an internet intervention: 1. Your iPad gets more attention in bed than your spouse. 2. Your meals become constant

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