Getting Things Off My Chest: Are You Short Selling Your Self?

I believe everyone has a story to tell. Many have several. Just as the average person dreams 4 or 6 times a night, I think an average person can spin 4 or 6 great stories about her life. I attend many women’s networking events. Women seem to network more than men who usually go for drinks or sports outings while we gals attend wine and food events and empowerment programs. I’m frequently dismayed at how some women are reluctant to state who they are, promote what they do or present themselves with confidence. Some neglect to present themselves at all and

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What Are Your Dreams Telling You?

Do you remember your dreams? I do. Mine are pretty vivid and often have repeating themes. The good dreams always include water, usually an infinity pool or a rocky coastline near an ocean or bay. Often I am at the tip on an island.The sun is always shining and it’s warm outside. The bad dreams always have me boxed in or running through tall blades of grass higher than my head frantically trying to find a way out. When I was a little girl a bad dream would find me in room wearing curlers in my hair while everyone else was dressed to

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When Opportunity Knocks Will You Open the Door?

“The optimist sees the glass half full. The pessimist sees it half empty. The opportunist drinks the water.”- Unknown Some people are entrepreneurs who create and build businesses. Some people are infopreneurs who produce and traffic news and information. I’m an opportuneur. My definition of an opportuneur is someone who takes advantage of opportunities and turns them into something meaningful. Here is another definition from business consultant Gary Brown: “Opportuneurs  seek purpose and want to create change. They follow their passions and look for opportunities where they can use their talents to create this change.” An opportuneur is a bit different from an

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