You’ve heard this line before probably: “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” It was a lesson I learned a few years ago facing cancer and my father’s death in the same year, all while rebuilding a business. I believe these four things formed the foundation that kept me grounded: Faith, Fortitude, Focus and Fearlessness. They also helped lift me up and re-channel my energy to become an advocate for putting your self-health first and self-worth first. “Advocacy” is a sensitive word with a powerful backbone. People who become advocates are driven by a passion usually inspired by a turning point that impacts
Read more →Pride has been a word on everyone’s lips this week and for several reasons. In a landmark decision the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution guarantees a national right to same-sex marriage. The rainbow colors of pride, equality and acceptance have flooded Facebook and national monuments. The flag has been waved proudly in marches throughout the country on Gay Pride Day. I’m happy for my friends whose lives are positively impacted. I am also respectful of those whose personal or religious beliefs cannot accept it. We live in a nation of freedom of speech and – more now than ever- freedom of choice. This
Read more →I like to help people transform their “Now What?” into their “Do It Now!” Many people live in a state of Now What? and can’t seem to cross the border into new horizons. Often what is holding them back is the energy that can propel them forward: fear. Fear is an amazing energy source that can jump start any action, good or bad, if channeled properly. Fear can give birth to purpose. It can change the course of your life for the better. It can give you more clarity for what really matters. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I learned to
Read more →Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. -Martin Luther King (1929-1968) Theologian/Activist Growing up, children were taught to “be seen and not heard.” It was a matter of being polite around adults. But it is also important to teach children to speak out, especially women and, especially, if they are facing an injustice. Among my few regrets in life are the times when I didn’t speak up, negotiate harder on a contract or present myself with my full voice of confidence. Odds were the outcomes did not work in my favor. Often we don’t speak out because we fear repercussions.
Read more →Some people view the holiday season as one of high festivity. Others view it with high anxiety. I bounce back and forth and I find many people feel the same way. Maybe it’s because we are bombarded with temptations to shop more, eat and and drink more and be on our cheeriest best behavior. Maybe it’s because the year is closing to an end and we start to reflect on what has/has not happened in our lives. Maybe we lost someone we loved or have yet to find someone who wants to love us back. For me, I reflect on
Read more →I am counting my blessings this season and especially during my week long visit to my hometown, Chattanooga, Tennessee. You see, people in the South have a habit of blessing you often and for many reasons, As in: “Have blessed day!”- Cashiers seem to say this a lot. “God bless you” – Said anytime for any reason. Not limited to sneezing. “Count your blessings” – What people say when you say life is better or just the same. “Did you say the blessing?” – Said before meals and usually after I have started eating. “You have my blessing.” As in
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