As a wine and food professional I grapple weekly with temptation and managing my diet. Attending dinners, lunches and wine tastings are part of the job, and I enjoy it, especially when the food and drink are good. But it’s hard to maintain your weight, and we all know eating well is the best defense to stay healthy along with regular exercise.
So, I’ve devised “The Try It Diet.” Just give everything a try at least once. Take a smaller portion or a few sips. Then push away the plate or don’t give yourself a refill or second helping. It makes no sense to deny yourself a taste of something fabulous. We need may need to restrict our calories but not our pleasure.

Baked Alaska at Strip House, NYC
Many diets focus on what you can’t eat. The Try It Diet says “go for it but don’t overdo it.” And balance it out. When David and I eat at home we keep our meals simple and vegetable focused. But when going to a restaurant, just say: Lettuce, let it go and let us just enjoy.
So that’s why I try the 23 layer chocolate cake and the Baked Alaska. Remember: Why Deny it? Just Try It.

23 Layer Chocolate Cake at Strip House, NYC
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