I used to say that when it was snowing the “the angels were brushing their hair.” This year, the angels have really let their hair down, giving much of the country a cold shoulder. If hell actually froze over it may have been this winter.
Like many living in the icy parts of the country I had my cold snap this past week. In my winter meltdown I wailed to my husband….and to the snow angels, “I’ve had enough! As God is my witness, I want to go home to Tara!” In reality, my “Tara” in Chattanooga, Tennessee, received a good six inches of snow this week. My mother curled up with a good book, watched movies on television, and enjoyed a three dog night.
David said, “Snap out of it!” We made a pact: Complaining about the weather is officially off limits from this point on. If you can’t control the weather, stop bitching about it and adapt. If you have a roof over your head, albeit groaning from the weight of snow; if you have food to eat; if you have heat and clothes to stay warm; if you have enough of what you need to weather the cold; why waste your energy complaining? Too many people in the world lack for food, shelter, warmth, clothing and even basic necessities like clean water, sanitation or good health.
Instead of complaining I started re-framing, and made this list which I call: “Don’t Flurry. Be Happy” – 12 things snowy, winter days are good for that you probably would never do when the sun is shining……..(feel free to weigh in)
1. Cleaning out your drawers and closets
2. Binge watching a TV or movie series
3. Making warm soups, stews, casseroles, and baked anything
4. Curling up with a good…book….magazine…man…..
5. Planning your next vacation online
6. Writing that blog, book, or business plan
7. Trying a new recipe, hobby, or craft
8. Writing thank you notes and good old fashioned letters
9. Preparing your taxes – Not terribly fun but necessary
10. Joining your kids, your dog, or your significant other in a romp in the snow
11. Creating and acting on a crazy idea. Would you believe a man in Massachusetts is selling snow by the bottle and box with success?
12. Picking up the phone and checking in with friends and loved ones.
What if you still feel SAD?
If you experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a type of depression that occurs during the winter months, you are not alone. Over half a million people suffer from SAD which manifests in several ways:
reduced energy
increased eating, especially intake of carbohydrates
difficulty sleeping
moodiness and an inability to focus
lower sex drive
Here are five things you can do to counter the symptoms of SAD:
Get outside in the daylight, even for 15-20 minutes and open your curtains to let more light into your home.
Do some form of cardio vascular exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
Eat more greens and fruit and consume less heavy or carb-loaded food. You may want more comfort food but, trust me, you will feel less comfortable when your clothes start feeling tighter.
Rest up! Don’t over exert yourself and try and have a better night’s sleep. If getting to sleep is hard, avoid late night dinners, especially with lots of wine. Try my version of “mother’s milk” – a mug of warm almond milk laced with (optional) a little rye whiskey or bourbon. If staying asleep is a problem, purchase ear plugs and keep your bedroom temperature on the cooler side.
Be social with friends and engaged in activities you enjoy. This will keep you mentally fit. It’s perfectly natural to want to cocoon and nest during the winter, but if you start feeling the blues, it’s time to get out and about.
Remember, it’s all seasonal anyway. People will complain about too much heat in July. It’s your choice how you season your attitude. I’ll take a little more spice any day!
Speaking of sipping into something more comfortable…..we’ve been warming our bodies and hearts sipping soup, tea, coffee and wine. This Wednesday, March 4, David and I chat with Joanna Pruess, author of “Soups for Two,” and Riccardo illy, Chairman of Gruppo illy S.p.A. What’s on the talk menu? Soup. Wine. Coffee. Tea. Chocolate. The Connected Table LIVE airs 2pm ET/11 am PT on W4CY.com and iHeart.com (anytime under Shows & Personalities). Link to listen live: www.W4CY.com
Links to our iheart shows to listen and share:

Live Wed. 2pm ET/11 am PT on W4CY and anytime on iHeart.com. Direct link: http://www.iheart.com/show/209-The-Connected-Table-Live

Live Mondays 9pm ET/6pm PT on W4WN.com and anytime on iHeart.com
Direct link: http://www.iheart.com/show/209-Fearless-Fabulous-You