Cat Smiley runs a successful weight loss retreat in Whistler, Canada. (Whistler Fitness Vacations) where women undergo a healthy boot camp for 1-12 weeks. But for anyone who can’t make it to Canada, Cat has just released “The Planet Friendly Diet: Your 21 Day Guide to Sustainable Weight Loss and Optimal Health” (New Society Publishers).
I like this book’s practical approach, easy recipes and no nonsense approach. Here are a few of Cat’s tips that I am taking to heart:
Unclutter your kitchen (tip 4). Decluttering is a popular buzzword these days and the subject of a new York Times best-selling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing” by Marie Kondo.
In the “Planet Friendly Diet” Cat says to give your kitchen a full cleanse at the start of your own body cleanse. We just did this with the help of a good friend. Take everything out of your fridge. Toss out everything that has expired or is high fat, high sugar or processed. Restock and place your healthiest options front and center.
Balance your macronutrients (tip 9). Your meal should include all three main food groups: carbohydrates, protein and fat. Cat says eating a balanced meal will keep your hunger in check for 2-3 hours.
Add vitamin C to whole grains and legumes. (tip 32) Cat says “Pulses (legumes) lack the amino acid that grains have and vice versa. When you combine the two, you create a complete protein, but you need to take it one step further if you are going to maintain healthy iron levels.” Adding foods rich in vitamin C will helps you absorb more iron from your vegetables. Suggestions: fresh tomatoes, leafy greens like spinach or fresh lemon.
Get calcium from the same place cows get it (tip 42). I love this one! Cows eat plants, so why not you? Instead of milk, switch to plant based calcium rich dairy alternatives made from almond, coconut, hemp, rice or soy. Cat says if you choose dairy, stick to low fat options. My husband, David, and I do not agree on this one. He believes in drinking whole “real” milk, just in moderation.
Keep sugar to 10% of your daily total (tip 60). This can be tough since many packaged foods have added sugar. If you crave sugar, have a serving of fresh fruit. Even though fruit and fresh fruit juices have sugar, it’s natural sugar. Or enjoy a small nib or square of dark chocolate. It’s not about giving desserts up entirely. Just allocate them to special occasions or smaller tasty treats.

Cat Smiley, Weight Loss Specialist and Author of The Planet Friendly Diet. Follow her on Twitter@icatsmiley
With everything moderation is the key. Cat Smiley joins me Monday, February 15, 4pmEST on Fearless Fabulous You! on to discuss more tips from “The Planet Friendly Diet.” The podcast for this show will be available anytime on and the free iHeart App. Here is the cut and paste link:

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