I’ve been curious about alternative and complementary medicines after researching my books and studying integrative nutrition. One that fascinates me is homeopathy, a system of natural medicine dating back over 200 years. It is very common in Europe where its originator, Samuel Hahnemann, created the word “homeopathy” from the Greek words for ‘similar suffering’ referring to the ‘like cures like’ principle of healing.” Ref: http://www.homeopathyschool.com/. Benefits can alleviate side effects from traditional Western medicine, strengthen your immune system, help healing and reduce pain, among other conditions.
You probably have seen all sorts of homeopathic essences, gels, creams and pellets at your local health foods store. But do you know what homeopathy is, how it works and what conditions it can treat? And is it right for you or a family member?
Noted homeopath, Dr. Lauri Grossman, joins me June 29th on Fearless Fabulous You, 9:28pmET, to explain how homeopathy works, provide examples of how you can treat different summer ailments from bug bites to sunburn, and what conditions respond well to homeopathy. Lauri serves as Chair of the Department of International Affairs at the American Medical College of Homeopathy where she frequently gives lectures. She has also taught at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the Hospital for Special Surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital and Columbia Presbyterian Hospital.
Lauri’s journey into studying homeopathic medicine came after she experienced first-hand how a treatment helped her infant son, David. She became a lifelong student in various alternative medicines and is also a licensed chiropractor. But she was drawn most to homeopathy and pursued her medical studies both in the USA (Cornell University) and Europe (Hahnemann College of Homeopathy), and she has become an authority on homeopathy. You can watch her full story here.
Lauri is committed to improving the standards of health around the world and has trained scores of physicians and nurses from developing countries in the use of homeopathic medicines for some of their countries’ most pressing needs.
For those of you who wonder if homeopathic medicines are regulated (unlike the supplement industry), here is what Lauri’s website says:
Today, all homeopathic medicines are prepared in licensed homeopathic pharmacies. All are approved by the FDA as over the counter medicines and all come in carefully calculated doses so that the amount of active ingredient is known, maximizing safety and minimizing unwanted side effects.
Have you ever visited a homeopath? If so, I’d like to hear from you on how it helped? Share your thoughts- and questions-about homeopathy in this blog post’s comments, or at:
Twitter/@mightymelanie or Facebook/FearlessFabulousMelanie
Connect with Dr. Lauri Grossman here:

Mark your calendars: Fearless Fabulous You! moves to Mondays, 4pmEST starting July 6th on www.W4WN.com– the Women 4 Women Network, iHeart.com and the iHeart App
This show will be available on iHeart.com and the iHeart App . Direct link: http://www.iheart.com/show/209-Fearless-Fabulous-You