Usually when we think of malnutrition our thoughts drift to impoverished areas of the United States or overseas to Third World countries. Rarely do we think about New York City much less a neighbor in your building.
But the reality is New York City is home to nearly 1.3 million senior citizens age 60 years and older. Many of them are hungry…for food and for companionship. The same goes for other cities, not just New York. It could be your elderly neighbor down the street who has mobility issues or weakened memory for whom cooking is difficult and eating is no longer pleasurable alone. It’s not always about living on a fixed income or below the poverty level, though this is a problem. Many elderly are isolated and have no one to talk to.
According to a 1993 study by the Urban Institute* nearly five million elderly Americans (age 60 and over) experience “food insecurity” which means not getting enough to eat. In fact, 55% of seniors admitted to hospitals are suffering from malnutrition.
The situation is growing as Americans age. According to a December 1997 U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Status Report on Hunger and Homelessness* 65% of 29 cities surveyed reported requests for food assistance by elderly individuals increase by an average of nine percent that year.
I’ve written about malnutrition among cancer patients and within under served and impoverished communities where lack of quality food is a problem. With the elderly you wonder, “Don’t they have family to take care of them?” The answer is too frequently “No.”

Mary is one of the many homebound elderly who receive meals delivered by Citymeals-on-Wheels. Read her story here
Restaurant Critic and bestselling author, Gael Greene, has lived the life many of us dream about dining in Manhattan’s best restaurants and traveling the world eating for a living. But she couldn’t shake the fact that while her life was a banquet, she had “invisible neighbors” who may be starving, both for food and companionship.
With the late author and culinary teacher James Beard Gael created Citymeals-on-Wheels, one of New York City’s and the nation’s leading non-profits that addresses malnutrition among the elderly by providing. Citymeals-on-Wheels mission statement is to “provide a continuous lifeline of nutritious food and human company to homebound elderly New Yorkers in need, helping them to live with dignity in their own familiar homes and communities.”

Best selling Author and Citymeals-on-Wheels Co-founder Gael Greene was the longtime Insatiable Critic at New York Magazine. Her latest book is “Insatiable.” You can follow her writing at Insatiable Critic. Photo: Diane Delucia
Gael and Citymeals-on-Wheels Executive Director, Beth Shapiro, will join me Monday, November 9, 4p.m. EST on Fearless Fabulous You! to discuss the importance of caring for NYC’s growing elderly population by providing meals and how you can help. We’ll also discuss how you can support the elderly in your own communities. Listen live on – the Women 4 Women Network All my shows are available to listen and download on and the free iHeart App. Shows are filed by Episode and guests’ names. Here is a cut and paste link:

Under Citymeals-on-Wheels Executive Director Beth Shapiro’s leadership since 2011 the organization has seen a 52% percent increase in volunteer participation and launched several new initiatives, including Chefs Deliver.
More About Citymeals-on-Wheels:
Citymeals-on-Wheels raises private funds to ensure no home bound elderly New Yorker will ever go a day without food or human company. Last year, contributors helped bring 2 million nutritious meals to more than 18,000 frail aged in every borough of New York City. In addition, nearly 19,000 volunteers collectively spent 67,397 hours visiting and delivering meals.

Sometimes a Citymeals-on-Wheels volunteer is the only human contact a meal a homebound recipient may have for the week
Citymeals funds 31 community-based agencies that bring weekend, holiday and emergency meals to homebound elderly New Yorkers who can no longer shop or cook for themselves. The organization’s Mobile Food Pantry program delivers weekly bags of grocery staples to the most at-risk elderly and a Fresh Produce program helps supplement regular meal deliveries with fresh fruit and vegetables from local farmers.
Connect and follow: Facebook/Citymeals,on.Wheels Twitter@citymeals
*Statistics are from Citymeals-on-Wheels Website: Facts on Elderly and Malnutrition

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Make your holiday giving list matter and make it lasting. Bring food to an elderly neighbor or stop by for a chat not only this season but throughout the year. What’s stopping you? #fearlessfabulousyou