February is Heart Health Month. Heart disease is the #1 cause of death among women.  The American Heart Association’s “Go Red For Women”campaign stresses the importance of a healthy diet, weight management and regular exercise to maintain heart health.

I agree heart health starts with taking care of your body, but I also believe it means fixing what may be going on in your head.  Anxiety and anger also stress the heart. Many of us have experienced a broken heart due to a failed romance, loss of a loved one or an emotional setback. Time is the best healer. But a bitter heart can be harder to mend and tougher on your health. Bitterness gnaws at you like nothing else and often lingers longer. It’s not worth it for your mind or body. It’s better to let it go. I learned this myself.
heart in hand

According to this report by the Mayo Clinic: “Letting go of grudges and bitterness can make way for happiness, health and peace.” Forgiveness can lead to:

  • Healthier relationships
  • Greater spiritual and psychological well-being
  • Less anxiety, stress and hostility
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Fewer symptoms of depression
  • Stronger immune system
  • Improved heart health
  • Higher self-esteem

The only thing worse than dying of a broken heart is dying from a bitter one. #fearlessfabulousyou @mightymelanie

Be a sweetheart to your self.  Leave bitterness behind. Your health will be better for it. #fearlessfabulousyou @mightymelanie