Every so often a little pest creeps into my life and points its ugly antenna at me. The bug is a member of the Doubt species that includes other nuisances like Naysayers, Skeptics and Cynics who try to dump a little Poo-on-You. It can become an infestation if you don’t address it in a timely matter. It can lead to purpose paralysis and death of a dream.

Well, here’s a little pest control advice:

This species is toxic. So, knock it out as soon as you can. Don’t just sweep to another corner of your life. Dump it and replace it with a Spray of Can-Do and spritz yourself with some Saucy Spirit. Slather on some Cream of Confidence and tell the annoying pest(s) to “Bug Off”.

There’s always going to be someone or some people who will tell you to give up or go back. Or, it isn’t going to work. Or, we aren’t set up for this. I’ve been told it more times that you can imagine. It’s hard. It can hurt, too. But, in the words of the Audrey Hepburn:

So, if the doubt-pest slips in through the cracks of your psyche and you start to feel uneasy, and remember this:

  • Live your dream and not someone else’s…. unless it is your choice.
  • Don’t let naysayers burst your bliss or deflate your ambition.
  • Ageism is as a discriminatory as gender bias.
  • If someone is sizing you up, you decide why it matters and if it is the right fit.
  • An Original of You is always better than being a Copy of someone else.

And then take some more advice from Harold: