Some people have love handles. Others have love hurdles.
Love hurdles are the skips and starts, highs and lows we need to clear for a happier love life. It starts with loving yourself and projecting that love.
Self love is not easy for some women. Many of us are loving to others but self-doubting or even self-loathing about who we are. We peer into mirrors and tear apart our appearances. We apologize unnecessarily. We compare our lives to others and worry about not keeping up, fitting in or being accepted. Lives that appear perfect are not. Flawless appearances are carefully crafted. It’s easier to embrace your imperfections and work with them rather than strain yourself to fit into another mold.
It’s all mental baggage that needs to be emptied. Otherwise, you’ll never have room for the things that make you truly happy and fulfilled. I believe that until you find love within yourself you can’t find lasting love elsewhere. It’s your choice.
Monday, March 14, Author Sherianna Boyle discusses her new book “Choosing Love” which addresses how to let go of your deepest fears and everyday stresses to lighten your spirit and open you up to feeling love within yourself and being loved. Conect with Sherianna on Twitter@sheriannaboyle and Facebook/AuthorSheriannaBoyle.
Sherianna is an adjunct psychology professor, mindset trainer and energy healer who has taught yoga and meditation for over 13 years. Sherianna and I discussed managing anxiety on my show last year, and I look forward to discussing with her the techniques and exercises she outlines in “Choosing Love.”
Fearless Fabulous You! spotlights inspiring women and interviews experts on health, wellness and nutrition. Join me Mondays, 4pmEST on Fearless Fabulous You! on All show podcasts can be heard anytime, anywhere on and the free iHeart App. Link

Fearless Fabulous You! spotlights inspiring women and experts on health, wellness and nutrition. All show podcasts can be heard anytime, anywhere on and the free iHeart App. Link
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