The only thing as disturbing as a voice that had been silenced is one that refuses to speak out. Apathy is even worse than acrimony. Because apathy is about being indifferent versus helping to make a difference.
Last week was Equal Pay Day. The date, April 10, was significant because that is the date in 2018 it would take for women’s earnings to finally catch up with what men earn. Women still make around 80 cents on the dollar to men and about $10,000 less in annual salaries. But don’t just blame the system. Too often we just let it happen by not speaking out and stating our worth.
I spoke with Sonia Ossorio, President of the New York Chapter for the National Association of Women, about why women need to speak out and take action to protect their civil rights and ensure we all earn equal pay for equal work. We also discussed disparities in many other areas that many women face, protecting a woman’s reproductive rights and the growing scourge in the human trafficking of young girls. Minority women have it even worse, but we all can do better for the greater good.
If you don’t think any of this matters to you, think again. Sonia pointed out that too often women sign contracts and documents that do not protect our rights. She noted than men are more likely than women to come to a job review meeting with a list of accomplish-ments and demands. We all need to pay better attention to what is happening in Congress and initiate conversations with local elected officials whose jobs are to work for us and not against us. Patterns need to change, as well as behavior and outdated traditions. It starts by speaking out and taking action. Not turning away.
And it starts when we are young and by setting examples. Boys are raised to compete and win; girls to compromise and accommodate. There needs to be new rules to replace outdated roles. And better role models.

Sonia Ossorio, President, NY Chapter, National Organization for Women
About Sonia Ossorio
I’ve never known anyone named Sonia who hasn’t been a powerhouse of energy, starting with my own Mother. And Sonia Ossorio, President of the National Organization of Women (NOW)-New York Chapter, certainly fits this description. A longtime journalist who covered women in business and human rights, Sonia’s own career has catapulted by working to help advance women’s rights. Her advocacy work covers many areas where women’s rights are disadvantaged and, in some cases, legally or politically threatened.
Before assuming her current position at NOW, Sonia worked as Director of Public Information at Catalyst, the preeminent research and advisory organization working to advance women in corporate America. At NOW she oversees an organization with more than 5000 member-activists in the New York City area alone. Anyone who cares about advance women’s rights can join NOW and be active anywhere in the USA.
Sonia notes it only takes ten women to start a local NOW chapter. That’s a dinner party that could turn into making a difference! Whether you are fighting for #metoo #healmetoo #stopthegap or another cause, you can #makeithappen #NOW
NOW NYC website:
NOW National website
You can hear more of my interview with Sonia on Fearless Fabulous You! Listen here: