Is Your Elderly Parent Eating Properly? Fearless Fabulous You! July 11

Is Your Elderly Parent Eating Properly? Fearless Fabulous You! July 11

Remember when your Mom used to bug you about eating your vegetables when you were a child? Well, in my case the shoe is now on the other foot. My 80ish young at heart mother does not like to eat vegetables. Nor does she like to cook. Her meals consist of supermarket takeout or restaurant leftovers or, sigh!, slices of cake and pie. She has a wicked sweet tooth. I worry she is too thin and malnourished; she brushes it off as earning the right at her age to eat whatever she wants if it tastes good. According to the nonprofit

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Easy Steps for Every Day Health

May 8-14 is National Women’s Health Week. You may already be mindful about your self- health. But if you have let things go, the good news is you can get back on track. Jobs may come and go. Families are raised and kids move on. You may move homes or cities. Life may throw you bouquets or curve balls. The one constant you can control is how you take care of yourself.   There are countless tips for healthy living from government websites (check out this link) to self-help gurus and online apps. I’ve read, studied and tested many diets,

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New Cookbook Offers Meals To Heal and Help Cancer Patients

New Cookbook Offers Meals To Heal and Help Cancer Patients

One of the toughest challenges for me when I was diagnosed with breast cancer was enjoying food. Here I was a well connected professional food and wine consultant with a welcome seat at all the great restaurants in New York City, and food no longer appealed to me. It wasn’t that I stopped liking food. It’s just that while I was undergoing chemotherapy treatment the smells, sight and taste of many foods  were off putting. I simply either had no appetite or was fearful of become nauseous from eating anything. Constipation from medication was a constant, and that only added to

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Fab Books: The Planet Friendly Diet- Steps You Can Take Today for Optimal Health

Fab Books: The Planet Friendly Diet- Steps You Can Take Today for Optimal Health

Cat Smiley runs a successful weight loss retreat in Whistler, Canada. (Whistler Fitness Vacations) where women undergo a healthy boot camp for 1-12 weeks. But for anyone who can’t make it to Canada, Cat has just released “The Planet Friendly Diet: Your 21 Day Guide to Sustainable Weight Loss and Optimal Health” (New Society Publishers). I like this book’s practical approach, easy recipes and no nonsense approach. Here are a few of Cat’s tips that I am taking to heart:

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Living with Multiple Sclerosis, This Mom Shares Her Raw Energy To Stay Nourished & Strong

Imagine being diagnosed with a life threatening illness. “How can I gain control of my life and manage my health?” you ask. It’s happened to me and to many friends and colleagues. And it happened to my guest August 24th on Fearless Fabulous You! Shari Leidich was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 2004. MS affects approximately 2.3 million people worldwide. MS is an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system. At this time the cause is still unknown, and there is no cure. Research is being done in many areas including genetics, immunology, hormonal and environmental risks. According to the National Multiple

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How To Eat Like a Greek Goddess

The Greek economy may be in turmoil, but the Greek diet is healthier than ever. International renowned Chef Maria Loi joins me July 13, 4pm EST on Fearless Fabulous You! to discuss her 12 Pillars to eating healthy using fundamental and simple recipes that are fresh and flavorful from her book The Greek Diet. The Greek Diet by Chef Maria Loi and veteran health journalist Sarah Toland offers a path to healthy eating that is not only sustainable but also completely satisfying and enjoyable. A few things I love about Maria’s approach:  Yes, you can, enjoy good coffee and wine, both in moderation, and everything

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Getting Things Off My Chest: Food Hysteria- The New Eating Disorder?

As a lifelong foodist and longtime food professional, I have always taken a keen interest in what I put in my body and share at the table with others. Lately that table has become a matter of dining diplomacy as more people are concerned less about what to eat and more about what not to eat. I am thrilled that communities and the media are focusing more on diet, health and sustainability. I read the Health Section of The New York Times with as much focus as the Food Section, seeking out morsels of news about the latest scientific research

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The Calming Benefits of Tea

According to the World Health Organization more than 450 million people worldwide suffer from stress. Are you one of them? Stress wreaks havoc on your mind and body. It’s just plain unhealthy and can lead to a myriad of problems including hormonal imbalance, cardiovascular disease, insomnia, diabetes, obesity, depression and other chronic illnesses. I believe years of stress contributed to my cancer diagnosis. And today, when I start feeling surges of stress and anxiety my body starts itching, my skin starts to blotch, and I lose my lack of concentration. My way of dealing with stress is: hydrate, gyrate, masticate, meditate

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Digesting The New Veganomic Guidelines

I’ve always liked a good egg, especially a perfectly executed fluffy omelet or eggs with my southern biscuits. But like many Americans, I am concerned about my cholesterol. So for years I’ve limited my consumption of eggs since we were told by the Nutrition gods that eggs were bad for your cholesterol. The gods got it wrong. After receiving a life sentence for being an accomplice to the “silent killer” (a.k.a. high cholesterol) leading to more heart attacks and strokes, eggs have been pardoned. So has shellfish. The folks over at Red Lobster must be celebrating. I’m ready to boil up some shrimp

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Fearless Fabulous Women Feb 23

There’s been several news stories recently about the new U.S. Dietary Guidelines. The bottom line: Nearly 90 percent of the U.S. population needs to eat more vegetables and we all eat too much sugar. A few foods that many of us were shying away from for health reasons received a cleaner bill of health: eggs and shellfish in the cholesterol category and coffee (without the cream and sugar) if consumed in moderation.

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As the Stomach Churns

I’m freshly landed in upstate New York from what has been a month-long holiday whirlwind taking me from Chattanooga to Maui with deliciously decadent pit stops in New York and Bridgehampton. My stomach still hasn’t made it back. I think it made a detour or was replaced by an imposter, a bully of a belly quietly grumbling, heaving and puffing to remind me of the excesses I enjoyed. Belly bloat is just an intestinal hangover…or stomach lag. But a good time was had by all! “Detox” seems to be the word of the month. January is when my inbox is flooded with

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Stress Less Holidays on Fearless Fabulous You! Dec 22

How many of you experience holiday stress or anxiety. I know I do. It’s hard to explain when this should be the “happiest time of the year.” Many feel anxious because they lost a loved during the year, and this is the first holiday season without that person. Others feel the financial strain of buying gifts or a pressure to be “festive” when their feelings are less so. Some may be taking stock of their year or their lives and wondering ‘what’s next?” Many people are simply over-scheduled with holiday events and family obligations and not taking time to relax, exercise or

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