If your love life has fizzled you might need to rethink your kitchen prowess to cook up more sizzle in the boudoir. And learn to bake a wickedly good pumpkin pie or cinnamon-pumpkin muffins.
Around the world many foods we eat have been heralded as aphrodisiacs to enhance your libido. Thanks to Dr. Diana Hoppe, a recent guest on my radio show, Fearless Fabulous You!, her fabulous book “Healthy Sex Drive, Healthy You” offers a list of “get you in the mood” foods.
Here’s a link to the show on iHeart.com and free iHeart App.
But, first….why pumpkin pie? According to a study conducted by researchers at the Smell and Taste Treatment Research Foundation, on olfactory senses and arousal, the aroma of pumpkin pie increases penile blood flow in men! So do cinnamon doughnuts, oranges, lavender, black licorice and buttered popcorn.

A study reports men are aroused by the smell of pumpkin pie
In the same study, women were more aroused by the scent of licorice, cucumber, lavender, banana & nuts and baby powder. In both sexes, Good & Plenty licorice candies were the sweet treat to enhance sensual yearnings.
Maybe your next movie date should include buttered popcorn with a big box of Good & Plenty candies!
The foods Dr. Hoppe lists as aphrodisiacs tend to fall into two physical categories: Stalks that resemble (sort of) a penis and round orbs that resemble ovaries and vaginas, or testicles.

Considered a “forbidden fruit” for young Aztec girls because of its testicular shape and name. Avocado in ancient Aztec is “ahuacatl,” the word for testicle.
Here’s Dr. Hoppe’s list:
Asparagus: Asparagus are nutrient dense. Dr. Hoppe notes that “asparagus contain high amounts of vitamin E, considered one of the sex hormone stimulants.”
Bananas: Dr. Hoppe says, “bananas contain bromelain enzyme, believed to increase libido in men, and high amounts of potassium and B vitamins including riboflavin, which increases the body’s overall energy levels.”
Carrots: Dr. Hoppe says, ”Carrots are rich in vitamin A, a nutrient needed for sex hormone production and for men, vitamin A is vital for sperm production.”
Celery: Dr. Hoppe says, “Celery contains a powerful substance known as androsterone, which is an odorless aphrodisiac found in male perspiration that has been shown to be a sexual stimulator in certain women.”
Almonds/nuts: An ancient symbol of fertility, almonds are rich in vitamin E, calcium, magnesium and potassium. And they are a great source of protein if you are on a vegetarian diet. Sprinkle in salads; roast in the oven for a healthy snack or grind into fresh butters.
Avocado: Dr. Hoppe says, “Avocados contain high levels of folic acid, which helps to metabolize proteins, providing the body with more energy. They also contain vitamin B6, which increases testosterone production, as well as potassium, which helps regulate a woman’s thyroid gland.” Avocados are also a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids (good cholesterol).
Eggs: Eggs have long been considered a symbol of fertility. They are a great source of protein, selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper. The yolks have a higher amount of dietary cholesterol which recently got a reprieve from the U.S. Dietary Guidelines.
Figs: The Italian word for fig is “figa” and for “vagina” it’s the derivative “fica.” I’ve learned not to mix up the two words when describing certain Italian wines! From a health standpoint Dr. Hoppe notes figs are high in libido boosting amino acids. Figs are also high in fiber and a good source of several essential minerals, including magnesium, manganese, calcium (which promotes bone density), copper, and potassium (which helps lower blood pressure), as well as vitamins, principally K and B6.
Garlic: Dr. Hoppe says, “The ‘heat’ in garlic is said to stir sexual desires.” Garlic is also considered an immunity booster that can help with many common ailments from cold prevention to heart health to anti-cancer properties. If raw garlic upsets your stomach or gives you reflux, try roasting the cloves for a sweeter and less pungent taste and effect.
Mangoes, peaches, and strawberries: Dr. Hoppe says, “ All of these are high in vitamin C, important for making sex hormones and chemical neurotransmitters for the brain.” Science aside, juicy fruits that are tasty and good for you are just plain sexy!
Oysters: One of the most famous aphrodisiacs in literature from Casanova to MFK Fisher. Dr. Hoppe notes,“Oysters contain high amounts of zinc, a mineral used in the production of testosterone and sperm production. They also contain dopamine, a neurotransmitter known to increase libido.” Besides, what’s sexier than slurping raw oysters with a crisp, chilled dry white wine?
Pumpkin: Aside from the research I noted earlier about pumpkin being a stimulant, they are also high in fiber and a good source of several essential minerals (e.g., magnesium, manganese, calcium (which promotes bone density), zinc, which boosts the immune system, copper, and potassium (which helps lower blood pressure), and vitamins K and B6. I bet Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks had no idea they were selling arousal drinks with their pumpkin spiked lattes last October.
And then because Love can be bitter or sweet
Chilies: Says Dr. Hoppe: “Capsaicin, the spicy substance that gives chili peppers their kick, as well as curries and other spicy foods prepared with them, stimulates nerve endings to release epinephrine, a chemical that causes increased heart rate and possibly triggers the release of endorphins, natural opiates released from our bodies that cause a pleasurable feeling and natural high.”

How about Jacques Torres’ Wicked Hot Chocolate spiked with ancho chili peppers, allspice, chipotle and cinnamon and spices?
Chocolate: Says Dr. Hoppe, “Chocolate has been shown to contain a stimulant, phenylethylamine, which induces a sense of well-being and excitement that is conducive to lovemaking. The natural caffeine in chocolate also provides an added boost by giving you more energy.”
And just to end on a healthy note, check out this pumpkin chocolate oat muffin recipe I found from Amanda Finks, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist living in the St. Louis, MO area whose blog is www.TheWholesomeDish.com

Photo from Amanda Fink’s blog: www.TheWholesomeDish.com