Katharine Lucic and Katie Lucas. Co-Founders, Ohm K

Katharine Lucic and Katie Lucas. Co-Founders, Ohm K

Yogi Katharine Lucic and cycling instructor, Katie Lucas, are the Brooklyn, New York-based co-founders of Ohm K,  a lifestyle wellness brand committed to empowering women. Ohm K was created to promote the message that women of all shapes and sizes should be able to feel good about where they are, who they are, and what they look like right now! The creative artist community of Brooklyn NY (also where the line is designed and produced) inspired the current fresh and cheeky slogans like, “KICK ASANA”, “YOU HAD ME AT OHM”, and “OHM MY GOD BECKY.” Tees,  tanks, and crop tops from $30.00.



Through the sales of different Ohm K designs Katie and Katharine support causes near and dear to them including Exhale to Inhale, a local NY organization that serves women who have suffered domestic violence and Edible Schoolyard New York to help build edible gardens and kitchen classrooms throughout New York City.

Ohm K also supports a two woman design team from Belgrade, Serbia who created the Ridin’ Dirty Tank. $1 of each sales goes to aid families in Serbia who lost their homes and possessions in a flood that devastated the Balkans in May 2014. For Katharine, its a cause close to her heart. Her husband is Serbian, and the two spend at least a month each year between Serbia and Croatia with family.

Infused with the message of beautifying the world and women from the inside out, Katie and Katharine are also on a mission to expose the unique communities of artists around the world. Each month, they seek out creative capsules and collaborations with other artists (everyone from graphic designers to painters) which pop up each month and highlight a different artist who takes the “Live Ohm K” mission and translates it into their own unique piece of wearable art. Artists have included Calcho Falchon, a native of Paraguay now living in Brooklyn, Serbian painter Antea Arizanovic and stylist Jovana Bozovic and California-born illustrator May Parsey, also living in Brooklyn.




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Meet Katharine and Katie Monday, April 13, 9pm EST on Fearless Fabulous You! hosted by Melanie Young, award winning author, integrative health coach and author of “Fearless Fabulous You! Lessons on Living Life on Your Terms.” Tune in live on W4WN. Listen to Fearless Fabulous You! on iHeart Radio anytime: http://www.iheart.com/show/209-Fearless-Fabulous-You and live Mondays on W4WN 9pm ET