Given that every breath we take is an essential part of our health and well-being, it is amazing how many of us are not breathing properly. Breathing provides energy, helps boost your metabolism, calms and centers you and helps regulate your heart. Clinical Psychologist Dr. Belisa Vranich, author of Breathe: The Simple, Revolutionary 14-Day Program to Improve your Mental and Physical Health (St. Martin’s Press/Hay House), joined me June 12 to the proper way to breathe.
Here’s a tip: Many people breath from their chest and shoulders which is incorrect. You need to lift expand your diaphram and fill your lungs. So start from your tummy. That’s right…let it out. We spend way too much time tucking in our stomachs when we need to use them to breathe properly.

Breathing Expert Dr. Belisa Vranich
As founder of The Breathing Class™, Dr. Belisa has taught and lectured nationwide on topics related to dysfunctional breathing patterns and stress. Unique in its straightforward approach, The Breathing Class™ addresses both physical and psychological problems related to oxygenation that is out of balance, and teaching people to breathe in an anatomically congruous way that maximizes balanced inhales and exhales.
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