When people ask me what I like to make for dinner I usually answer “Reservations.” This stems from my childhood. I had a busy mother who worked full time, earned her Masters Degree at night and volunteered for numerous civic and charitable organizations. She loved to food shop but was usually to occupied to cook. We had a lot of wasted food in our refrigerator! Dinner was usually something rapidly prepared or heated from a bag, box or can. Dining out was where the adventure started. Mom was happy. Dad was happy. I was happy. The meals tasted different and it was a refreshing change from my mother’s standard cooking repertoire (e.g., Shake & Bake Chicken, Meat Loaf, Brisket, boiled to limp greens and mishmash casseroles).
Needless to say, I had reservations about cooking in my kitchen upstate. My husband, David, usually mans the kitchen. But my attitude changed when my diet became focused on health. Now I enjoy cooking (well, mostly) and I’m fascinated by books that offer practical, time-saving, healthy and delicious recipes that don’t involve too much kitchen “gear.”

Katie Workman: Food Writer, Author, Mom (photo: Todd Coleman)
Enter Katie Workman, author of The Mom 100 Cookbook and her newest, Dinner Solved! (both Workman Publishing). Katie is a cook, a writer, a mother of two, an enthusiastic advocate for family meals, an activist in hunger issues. Through her books, videos and website Katie offers smart tips and recipes for busy parents who want to feed their family with flair, from one pot meals to made-over leftovers to fresh twists to your greatist hits recipes. Katie also provides practical ways to cajole picky eaters to try new things so that meal time isn’t squeal time. Connect: Twitter@katieworkman100 instagram/katieworkman100 Facebook/katieworkman100
If you are looking for new answers to the question, “What’s for dinner?” that result in more grins than groans, tune in to hear Katie August 31, 4pmET on Fearless Fabulous You! W4WN.com. This show will be available on iHeart.com and the iHeart App anytime on demand post broadcast.

Inspiring Women Around the World. Listen to all episodes on iHeart.com and the iHeart App anytime. Connect: Twitter@mightymelanie Facebook/FearlessFabulousMelanie Instagram/MelanieFabulous