Stop Holding It In!

Tuck it in. Suck it in. Hold it in. How many times have you heard, read or said this? Well, I say do the opposite: Let it out! I recently interviewed movement specialist Mary Derbyshire for my radio show Fearless Fabulous YOU! The focus was staying agile at any age.  Here is the link. Mary discussed how to sit, stand and move your body without overtaxing it. One thing I learned is that we tend to hunch and constrict our bodies rather than stay loose and limber. I  realized during the discussion that too many of us are too tightly wound

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Happy Holicrazy! Tips To Stay Merry and Calm

Given the number of emails filling my inbox and TV segments about dealing with holiday stress I have to wonder, “Are holidays becoming holicrazy?” Are we so stressed over wrapping up the year in a nice package and getting it all done in time that we don’t have time to really enjoy the season? Many of us face shopping for gifts, wrapping up year end finances, planning holiday travel, scheduling the kids’ activities when they are out of school and juggling every day tasks. And then there’s that year-end “taking stock” of your life and making New Year’s resolutions to: lose weight,

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Are You a Nervous Nosher?

Are You a Nervous Nosher?

Holiday times are supposed to be happy times.  Right? Well…Maybe. For many the holidays are stressful. There’s the pressure to “get it all done” before the end of the year. There are the office parties and the family gatherings where you have to be on your best behavior. There’s the financial strain of overspending on gifts and entertaining. And then there’s that end-of-the-year taking stock of what you have- and have not- accomplished. If you feel stressed this time of the year you are not alone. The The American Psychological Association holiday statistics report in 2011 said up to 69% of people are stressed by

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Getting Things off My Chest: When Saying “No” Gives You More “Yes”

Getting Things off My Chest: When Saying "No" Gives You More "Yes"

The conversation usually starts like this: “I really admire what you’re doing and all your success. I have an idea and would love to pick your brain if you have some time. Maybe a cup of coffee?” The thing is, my brain is for hire and not for picking. I’ve been picked and pitched for years to land clients and much of the time was wasted and ideas misused. I have learned a pretty penny about the value of time and how to spend it wisely. So I politely say the usual writer line, “I’d love to chat and and

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Getting Things Off My Chest: A Social Culture Gone Haywire?

My brain-tenna recently shot up over a New York Times article entitled “Anxious Students Strain College Mental Health Centers.” The article reports that nearly one in six college students has been diagnosed with or treated for anxiety which has now surpassed depression as the most common mental health diagnosis among these students. Many reasons were given for the high anxiety among young people. Some are obvious with academic, financial, parental and social pressures being paramount. One reason that struck a chord was “fear of missing out” (FOMO for short). Now, fear of missing out is nothing new. I remember the fit

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Turning Fear to Fear-Less

I like to help people transform their “Now What?” into their “Do It Now!” Many people live in a state of Now What? and can’t seem to cross the border into new horizons. Often what is holding them back is the energy that can propel them forward: fear. Fear is an amazing energy source that can jump start any action, good or bad, if channeled properly. Fear can give birth to purpose. It can change the course of your life for the better. It can give you more clarity for what really matters. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I learned to

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Mind your Busyness

It seems everyone I speak to these days talks about how busy they are. The number of people multitasking is multiplying. The demands of keeping up, logging in, staying connected and attending to personal and professional details can be overwhelming. Managing time and finding time for yourself is probably the number one concern brought up when I interview women about handling their stress and maintaining balance in their lives. I don’t mind being busy. I mind when being busy becomes non productive or even wasted time. More important, keeping busy should not keep you from enjoying your life and taking care

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