Rules Matter Unless They No Longer Make Sense

Rules Matter Unless They No Longer Make Sense

I was never great at following directions or rules. I always tried to rework everything and asked too many questions. It was more why and why not than okay and I accept. I spoke up and disregarded people who told me to “shut up.” Rules do matter. Guidelines are good. But if they no longer make sense and seem archaic, then speak up and figure out a way to rewrite the rules. For years – centuries- we’ve lived in a country where rules and laws were made and set by a majority of men. But times change and rules should as well to stay current with the times. They need need revisiting, especially when

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Never Silence a Songbird. Never Dash a Dream.

Never Silence a Songbird. Never Dash a Dream.

I recently watched a movie about the Italian singer, Andrea Bocelli. There is a defining scene where an opera critic tells Bocelli he doesn’t have a voice for opera. Bocelli vows never to sing again. A friend convinces Bocelli to work with an operatic voice coach and not give up. Bocelli went on to become one of the world’s most renowned tenors. Imagine if Bocelli had just listened to that one critic.   When the actor, Sidney Poitier auditioned for a role early in his career, he was told to “stop wasting people’s time and go out and become a

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Why Thick Skin Matters at Any Age

Why Thick Skin Matters at Any Age

Thick Skin. Thin Body. Here’s my healthy top for the week: Maintain a thin body and thick skin. The former will help reduce your risk for several major illnesses including cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and stroke, diabetes, back and hip problems and certain cancers (just to name a few examples). The latter will protect you against mental erosion and self- esteem sabotage. Thick skin will protect you against ageism, sexism and all sorts of discrimination you may face in life. It will keep you centered when doors slam in your face and you face a thousand “No’s” before finally hearing “Yes.” It will

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Want to Change Your Life? Change Your Habits

Want to Change Your Life? Change Your Habits

The main reason diets don’t work is people don’t stick to them. It’s a commitment. Your relationship to food is more than about what you eat. It’s emotional. Many of us eat and drink to nurture our spirit as much as to nourish our bodies. Maybe it’s time to change your behavior and not just your diet. That’s one of the many messages from Dr. Deena Solomon, who tackles weight loss from a cognitive behavioral perspective- aka “retrain the brain.” Dr. Solomon says, “While others view food as an addiction, and overeating as a disease that must be cured, I see eating

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Knock Out Self-Doubt

Knock Out Self-Doubt

Every so often a little pest creeps into my life and points its ugly antenna at me. The bug is a member of the Doubt species that includes other nuisances like Naysayers, Skeptics and Cynics who try to dump a little Poo-on-You. It can become an infestation if you don’t address it in a timely matter. It can lead to purpose paralysis and death of a dream. Well, here’s a little pest control advice: This species is toxic. So, knock it out as soon as you can. Don’t just sweep to another corner of your life. Dump it and replace it with a Spray

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Learn To Clear Your Love Hurdles

Learn To Clear Your Love Hurdles

Some people have love handles. Others have love hurdles. Love hurdles are the skips and starts, highs and lows we need to clear for a happier love life. It starts with loving yourself and projecting that love. Self love is not easy for some women. Many of us are loving to others but self-doubting or even self-loathing about who we are. We peer into mirrors and tear apart our appearances. We apologize unnecessarily. We compare our lives to others and worry about not keeping up, fitting in or being accepted.  Lives that appear perfect are not. Flawless appearances are carefully

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Timeless Accessories To Wear at Any Age

Timeless Accessories To Wear at Any Age

I have closets filled with beautiful clothes, shelves lined with designer handbags, racks of shoes and a safe filled with fine jewelry. They’ve been slowly acquired over the years, purchased by me or gifted from my parents or friends. I’m a lucky, well-dressed woman….except when I’m wearing the wrong accessories. I’m not talking about a heavy purse or too tight shoes. I’m talking about emotional baggage and feathers of self-doubt that dull your sparkle and cramp your style. A brilliant “Huffington Post” article has been circulating among my friends called “What Not To Wear After 50.” by Michelle Combs ( Some of my favorite tips on what not to wear include:

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Listen Up! Maybe It’s Time To Toot Your Own Horn

You know what’s music to my ears? It’s the sound of a confident person who can toot her own horn without sounding like a blowhard. Many people try it. Some succeed; others fail. Think of politicians, for example. It’s strange. While the public relations industry is filled with confident, talented women who know how to toot horns to promote their clients, many lack volume in their own self-promotion. I’m not intentionally leaving out men, but women tend to downplay their achievements more than the opposite sex. Examples:”It’s nothing really…”  or “I’m just a stay-at-home mom…” Remember this: If you downplay

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The Theory of Relevancy

A chef whom I knew and respected died this past week at the age of 50 after a long battle with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), a devastating and progressive neurodegenerative disease.  His name was Gerry Hayden, and his restaurant was the critically acclaimed North Fork Table & Inn on Long Island. I had just discussed booking a dinner at his  restaurant with my friend Kathy, and then she sent me his obituary. Gerry Hayden stood heads above many star chefs in the kitchen even though he was confined to a wheelchair. Though his arms and hands were useless for cooking, his mind

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A Waist Is A Terrible Thing To Mind

Nora Ephron wrote a hilarious book on the trials of aging called “I Feel Bad About My Neck.” If I wrote a book on aging it would be entitled, “A Waist Is A Terrible Thing To Mind.”  Aging is inevitable; the only way to stop aging is to stop living. That’s not a great option. You can slow down the clock with a better diet, exercise, sleep and stress management and- hopefully-great genes. But you can’t stop the clock unless you stop ticking altogether. As a wine and food professional, I’ve grappled with balancing the pleasures I enjoy imbibing with the practical

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